Soccer is my favorite sport. I started playing soccer it when I was in elementary school, exactly in fourth class. The time was classmeting event. There are many sports which can be followed by every class members. Of course one of them was soccer. Actually I didn’t love playing soccer because I was thinking that it was not good sport. But my friends needed me to complete the team. That’s why they forced me to play it. So willy nilly I had to play it. Because I played by force, I didn’t play it seriously. They gave me defender position. In the first match, I just stood in back row without doing my job. I did the mistakes again and again. Looking at it, They advertised me repeatedly. But I didn’t care and I always said that I had no skill about it. Luckyly my team won the first match and we could continue to the second match.
In the second match, I saw the preetiest girl in my school watching our match. Seemingly she liked watching on soccer match. Her name was …? She had been my classmate since in the first class. I was as class as with her until fifth class. In the fifth class she got bad news, her father was pass away. And then she moved with her mother to another city. Nobody know where. We lost her so much. She had white skin, short the length hair, and middle tall. She was a smiling and an exciting girl. But she was also a crying girl and a spoiled girl because perhap she was only child of her family. Every boys in my class admitted liking her, even seniors did too. I have an unforgettable experience with her. One day, when I went to in front of the class to answer my teacher’s question in black board, suddently she put one of her legs beside her chair. It felt me down so hurt. I felt that I couldn’t stand up anymore. Everybody just looked at me and laugh except My teacher and herself. Both of them helped me standing. Actually I wanted to cry after standing. But how could I cried in front of my loving friend. So I tried preventing my tears. I looked at her face was full with guilt feeling. Then she asked sorry to me. I forgave her by giving I request. She had to wash my dirty uniform and she agreed. After the event, she changed to me. She was much better than before.
After seeing her watching, everybody got more motivation to win, so did I. I started enjoying soccer and liking it. Of course, we won the second match. After going home, I went to soccer field knowing more about soccer. Arriving there I saw some man playing soccer. They were older than me. One of them knew my present. It looked like he was the oldest there. He ordered me playing for him. At first I dread following his suggestion but finally I dicided to play because I need teaching more about soccer. I played more seriously than before. He trusted me as a wing position. At the time, I felt that the more I played the more I liked. The next day was the final competition. I was looking forward to showing my total soccer furthermore I wanted to be watched by her. So I asked my friend to put me in middle position. Indeed they were afraid if I didn’t want to play so they allowed me playing as a center. Afterwards we won the final match and became winner.

After graduating elementary school, I continued studying to the most favorite junior high school in my city. It’s very unique school. It’s location between two necessary town, they are Pasar lama and
When I was in my second year, I lost them. I thought that I wouldn’t play scrabble anymore. So I looked for a new hobby, and finally I put my choice at chess. At the time was my first day in my second year of English class. I didn’t want to go early because in my mind, I wouldn’t meet interesting something again. So I spent my time by walking around the market. In badly, I got tired and I took a rest in front of a painting store. Suddently the seller showed up. He brought a chess. And I looked someone else came in another side, then they played the chess. I really didn’t pay attention with them. I just sat in another bench alone. But I heard that the painting seller always won. After playing two times, the person went. According to me, he got boring because he never won. And then the painting seller called me. He thought that I could play chess, in fact I couldn’t. Then he taught me much about chess. After I understood well, I asked permission to him to go to my English class. Surely, I came late to my class. It seem I got wrong about my new class. There I found two very interesting girls. But the one was the most interesting one. Her name was…? She wasn’t my schoolmate.Her skin was white and she was younger than me about one year. She was so polite and smart one. In my eyes, she almost be perfect girl.. She was also an exciting friend. She liked smiling. She wore scraft or usual female moeslim dress , and she liked poetry. I often practiced my English with her. One thing made her so special in my eyes that she didn’t has special boy friend. She was like the true moeslim girl. No doubt of it, I did like her so much but….? Another girl was …? She was my schoolmate. She also was younger than me about one year. She had bright brown skin and enough long hair. She was also a smart girl but not too polite because she didn’t wear a moeslim uniform like another one. She had had a boy friend. And she loved speech. I loved practicing my English with both of them because their English was so good , especially the first one, Her face can made me fresh. Sometimes, I and they played scrabble after studying in class. But I often played with the first one because the second one always be taken by her boy friend early whereas the first one often be taken by her father late. Actually I had invited her to go home with me by my motorcycle some times but she refused kindly, I understood that, so I decided to play scrabble with her. But sometimes, we just talked about something.
If I had no English class, I always came to my chess master to spend my free time by playing chess. After that I became his immortal rival. Eventhought I never won from him, but I always resisted playing a chess after going home from schooling until he moved to somewhere else. Finally I had lost many thing, from my chess master until my loving friends. Now here I am with my new interesting friends. I still like playing soccer and sometimes I also watch the soccer match on TV.